July 26, 2016
Lawmakers in Trenton have introduced a bill that would impose the first statewide taxes on Airbnb hosts in New Jersey. If enacted, residents who rent out their properties through the website would be required to pay the same taxes and fees as hotels. The proposal, which does not yet appear online, comes just months after Newark and Jersey City agreed to tax Airbnb rentals like hotel rooms. Assemblywoman Annette Quijano, a sponsor of the proposal, said in a statement that the taxes will generate some much needed revenue for the state and municipalities. “This is all about fairness,” said Quijano, a Democrat from Union County. “There is nothing fair about one company having to pay certain fees while another one that provides essentially the same service is exempt.”…
Source: http://www.politico.com/states/new-jersey/story/2016/07/lawmakers-introduce-bill-to-impose-statewide-taxes-on-airbnb-hosts-104205#ixzz4FW8sc53d