Harlem World Magazine: Mayor Adams Praised For Future-Focused Vision In Third State Of The City

Harlem World Magazine: Mayor Adams Praised For Future-Focused Vision In Third State Of The City

January 25, 2024 

New York City Mayor Eric Adams yesterday outlined a future-focused vision for working-class New Yorkers in his third State of the City address, delivered at Hostos Community College in the Bronx. 

After driving crime down and pushing private-sector job growth to historic highs — all while managing a once-in-a-generation asylum seeker humanitarian crisis — Mayor Adams outlined ambitious plans to continue to deliver for New York City across his priority areas that have been a part of his vision for New York City since day one: making the country’s safest big city even safer, building a forward-looking economy that works for working-class New Yorkers, and making the city more livable for all.

Here’s what New Yorkers are saying: 

“Mayor Adams outlined a set of bold ideas that will advance our shared vision of a more affordable, more livable, and safer New York,” said New York Governor Kathy Hochul. “The mayor and I are both united in the fight to solve our affordability crisis by increasing the housing supply. As Mayor Adams said: the city wants more housing – it’s time to let them build! I’ve committed to fight for legislative changes in Albany that will allow him to do just that. Mayor Adams’ focus on the issues facing New York’s working families is also commendable. I share his concern that social media is having a negative effect on too many young people, and I’m pleased to see him take action to protect their mental health. The mayor’s work to cancel $2 billion in medical debt will also change lives for working-class New Yorkers, and financial counseling will help patients avoid debt in the first place. We’ve built a strong, productive partnership over the past two years, working together to fight crime, build housing and address the migrant crisis. Working together, we’ll make sure New York’s future is bright.” 

“Mayor Adams’ hard work is paying off for New York, from safer communities to remarkable job growth and beyond. With so many in my district struggling to find affordable homes, the mayor’s ‘24 in ‘24’ plan will generate desperately-needed housing supply while tools like the Tenant Protection Cabinet and Homeowner Help Desk will help hardworking families stay in their homes,” said New York State Assemblymember Brian Cunningham. “I am proud to answer the call for support in Albany, where I have introduced the Faith Based Affordable Housing Act to empower religious organizations to contribute to housing growth in our city. I also applaud Mayor Adams’ plan to cancel medical debt for hundreds of thousands, easing a burden that falls disproportionately on communities of color like mine. I look forward to another year of success working with the mayor’s administration to advance my constituents’ well-being.”

“Mayor Adams has led our city through multiple crises with unprecedented energy and accomplishment. He brought our city back from the COVID-19 crisis and the numbers speak for themselves: Jobs are at unprecedented heights, crime is down, and test scores are up. The administration’s investments in working people and public safety are paying off,” said New York State Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar. “In his State of the City address, Mayor Adams mapped a vision for the future to unlock the potential of all New Yorkers. I am proud to partner with him at the state level to deliver results for our city. That includes passing my SMOKEOUT Act that the mayor called for in his address, which will allow us to shutter all illegal smoke shops this year. I will also work with the mayor and my Albany colleagues to pass an affordable housing package, extend Mayoral Accountability of our schools, and accommodate asylum seekers. Together, we will make the Greatest City in the World a national model of resiliency and success.”

“The new housing that will be created at 388 Hudson will bring much needed affordable housing stock to an area that has for years been increasingly out of reach for New Yorkers, especially people of color and those who are not wealthy,” said New York City Councilmember Erik Bottcher. “The hundreds of families who are currently locked out of the housing market will find permanent homes at 388 Hudson Street, transforming their lives and making our community an even better place. I want to thank Mayor Eric Adams’ team for prioritizing housing creation during this time of great need.”

“New York City is confronting crises on multiple fronts with housing, affordability, and dignified conditions for tenants among them,” said New York City Councilmember Carmen De La Rosa. “We continue to work to ensure that the commitments made during the Inwood Rezoning yield housing that is both dignified and affordable, and prioritizes the curbing of displacement for uptown families. We look forward to working with the New York City Department of Housing and Preservation and Development during the community visioning stages to identify community spaces that continue to uplift the educational and workforce needs of our city and give our constituents a seat at the table, especially our youth who will benefit greatly from additional STEM spaces.” 

“Mayor Adams outlined a future-focused vision that resonates with the mission his administration has prioritized over the past two years—protecting public safety, rebuilding our economy, and making our city more livable,” said New York City Councilmember Kamillah Hanks. “The investments in working people and housing are beginning to yield positive results. I was also thrilled to hear the mayor reaffirm his commitment to his $426 million historic investment in revitalizing our north shore from the Verrazano to the Bayonne Bridge.”

“With more than 8,000 newly arrived neighbors in my council district alone, it is essential that we continue to focus on building affordable, supportive housing to build a stronger community,” said New York City Councilmember Julie Won. “This announcement of our city’s investment in Hunter’s Point South as one of the five initial public sites to receive affordable housing is critical to ensuring all of our neighbors have a long term future in our city. This development would add hundreds more affordable housing units to the 1,622 units that I approved since taking office. I look forward to working in partnership with the mayor’s office to ensure that this project is brought to full completion to meet the needs of working-class New Yorkers.”

“As a concerned citizen and the first Chinese American city councilmember in Brooklyn’s history, I feel incredibly fortunate to have our mayor,” said New York City Councilmember Susan Zhuang. “Mayor Adams is someone who has gone into ensuring that every aspect of public safety is addressed comprehensively. I appreciate the mayor’s efforts on clean streets which not only enhance the visual appeal of our city but also contribute to a healthier and more vibrant community.”

“Mayor Adams delivered a bold, worker-first vision for New York,” said Service Employees International Union, Local 32BJ (32BJ SEIU) President Manny Pastreich. “Whether it’s creating more desperately-needed housing or good-paying jobs, 32BJ SEIU stands ready to partner with this administration as it continues the work of building a more affordable and equitable New York.”

“Mayor Adams ran on a platform of being the blue-collar mayor, and he promised that he would bring back the economy and bring back jobs,” said Rich Maroko, president, Hotel and Gaming Trades Council. “He’s delivered on that promise, building a city economy that supports working and middle-class New Yorkers and making the city more livable for everyone.”

“Mayor Eric Adams has taken our fight against housing insecurity and homelessness to extraordinary heights, setting a new standard of leadership in New York City,” said Shams DaBaron, housing and homelessness advocate. “My journey alongside him, from the pavement to policy-making, has given me a front-row seat to his unwavering commitment. His administration’s partnership with those who have lived the stark reality of homelessness, including myself, has sparked pivotal changes. The tangible outcomes of our collaboration, from policy overhauls to program implementations, are evident citywide. The State of the City announcements highlight these achievements, while introducing initiatives like the New York City Housing Authority waitlist reopening and the ambitious 24 in 24 housing project, which promises to advance 24 housing projects on 24 city-owned properties impacting 12,000 units of housing for New Yorkers. Such groundbreaking work affirms Mayor Adams’ dedication to a Housing-First agenda and safeguards tenants’ rights, ensuring that housing security is within reach for all.”

“Mayor Adams cut through the negative political chatter and delivered a message that New Yorkers need to hear: despite some tough challenges, our city is strong and we are headed in the right direction because of his administration’s focus on public safety, economic growth, and improving the quality of life in every community,” Kathryn Wylde, president & chief executive officer, Partnership for New York City.

“Economic development, housing, and sustainability are all essential to the success of our city, including our restaurants, bars, and nightclubs across the five boroughs,” said Andrew Rigie, executive director, New York City Hospitality Alliance. “That is why we commend Mayor Adams and Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria-Torres Springer’s forward-looking policies that support our city and hospitality sector.” 

“The Hotel Association of New York City (HANYC) is incredibly proud and supportive of the efforts of the administration and New York City Economic Development Corporation to imbue New York City with the many attributes of a forward-looking economy, ranging from a green economy action plan, to making the city a better place for women to live, work and thrive in, to providing more affordable housing projects, all of which immensely benefit the hotel and tourism industries,” said Vijay Dandapani, president and chief executive officer, HANYC.

“Tackling New York City’s worsening housing crisis will require the deployment of a plethora of initiatives and strategies,” said James Whelan, president, Real Estate Board of New York. “The Adams administration is to be commended for seizing every opportunity within its control to address the crisis.”

“Under Mayor Adams’ leadership in 2023, Times Square welcomed over 100 million people, our businesses thrived with new openings exceeding pandemic closures, and crime rates are down to the lowest level in years,” said Tom Harris, president, Times Square Alliance. “As we adapt to our new normal where we want to live closer to our jobs, the creation of 12,000 units of affordable housing for working New Yorkers will make New York City more accessible for those choosing to live, work, and play in our great city.”

“The State of the City is an opportunity to envision a future for New York City as an affordable, safe place to live, one where the cost of a home isn’t prohibitive to charting your own course,” said Rafael E. Cestero, chief executive officer, The Community Preservation Corporation. “We’re thankful Mayor Adams recognized the need for this vision and is looking for new ways to deliver safe, stable housing, and create opportunity for all New Yorkers.”

“We appreciate that Mayor Eric Adams is centering renters and homeowners in need of assistance in his State of the City,” said Rachel Fee, executive director, New York Housing Conference. “And with his plans for the City of Yes zoning reforms and his legislative agenda in Albany, we’re hopeful New York City will have the tools to address the housing crisis in a bigger way.”

“Affordable housing will continue to be center stage in New York due to the depth of the crisis and the centrality of housing in peoples’ lives,” said Baaba Halm, vice president and market leader, Enterprise Community Partners. “At both the city and state level, we need solutions to be advanced to address both near and long-term needs. To that end, we are excited by the long-term potential of unlocking 24 new sites for significant housing supply and thrilled by the re-opening of the Section 8 waitlist to offer relief to families in the short term. We look forward to partnering with the city on making the new initiatives announced yesterday a success and to build on them.”

“We are excited to hear of all the good news related to so many important quality-of-life matters for New Yorkers that will be improved with these new initiatives,” said Wellington Chen, executive director, Chinatown Business Improvement Partnership. “This is indeed ‘Get Stuff Done’ time!”

“Jobs and housing – that’s what New Yorkers care about and that’s what Mayor Adams and his economic team are delivering on,” said Randy Peers, president and chief executive officer, Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce. “The specific focus on the green economy will keep New York City at the forefront of climate innovation and resiliency, both nationally and globally.”

“The mayor’s focus on connecting New Yorkers to housing and jobs is the key to our economic growth in the Bronx,” said Lisa Sorin, president and chief executive officer, The Bronx Chamber of Commerce. “We look forward to working with the mayor to implement his ambitious agenda.”

“The New York Real Estate Chamber (NYREC) would like to commend Mayor Adams on his leadership and the results he’s delivered for New York City given the daunting circumstances the city has endured recently,” said Craig Livingston, board chair, NYREC. “Mayor Adams continues to navigate the COVID recovery, the migrant crisis, the erosion of the office market, and a severe dearth of affordable housing. He’s overseen the reduction in major crimes, an all-time high in employment, and is pushing for major rezonings so we can build more housing. Most importantly, he’s leading the economic recovery in an inclusive way with broad participation from Black owned businesses. The $6 billion in contracts awarded to minority businesses in 2023 is unprecedented and is a huge step in the right direction.”

“We are thrilled with Mayor Adams’ announcement to expand the Homeowner Help Desk citywide — a testament to our shared commitment to preserving homeownership and stabilizing communities in New York City,” said Christie Peale, chief executive office and executive director, Center for NYC Neighborhoods. “This expansion empowers homeowners with critical resources and support, including the Center for NYC Neighborhoods’ existing foreclosure prevention and home repair programs, and ensuring homeowners have the tools needed to thrive and sustain their homes. Together, we are making significant strides towards a more equitable and resilient city, where every New Yorker has the opportunity to own and maintain their home.”

“On the long journey out of our housing crisis, it’s imperative to keep taking steps forward,” said Howard Slatkin, executive director, Citizens Housing and Planning Council. “We appreciate the Adams administration’s efforts to use all the tools at its disposal to spur the creation of more housing and better enable New Yorkers to afford and maintain their homes.”

“New York City urgently needs resources that support access to affordable housing and programs that will help us build the green workforce to grow our clean energy economy,” said Blondel Pinnock, president and chief executive officer, Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation. “We applaud Mayor Adams for prioritizing investments that will create 12,000 new housing units and 400,000 new green jobs. Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation has always been committed to increasing access to housing, homeownership and economic mobility in Central Brooklyn, and we look forward to supporting the city’s bold vision for the future.”

“New York City is in the midst of an affordability crisis driven by a housing crunch that’s widening the racial wealth gap,” said Valerie White, senior executive director, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) New York. “With this State of the City address, we have the opportunity to embrace a new path forward, where we strive together to build an equitable economy. We are encouraged by the plan Mayor Adams put forward yesterday, among other things, that not only supports homeownership in BIPOC communities, but also looks to add support for homeowner retention, a priority for LISC NY.” 

“This was a State of the City that highlighted a number of exciting, big ticket, game changing initiatives,” said Robert W. Walsh, president, Bronx Economic Development Corporation, “Combined with giant steps forward to help small businesses and mom and pop shops, New York City is a ‘City of Yes!’”

“We applaud Mayor Adams and the Economic Development Corporation for their efforts on the new Green Economy Action Plan, which will bolster New York City as a driver of innovative solutions to address the climate crisis,” said Michael Samuelian, founding director, Urban Tech Hub at Cornell Tech’s Jacobs Institute. “Cornell Tech’s campus has been a model for sustainable development since its buildings opened in 2017. This proposed massive reduction of carbon emissions and creation of 400,000 green jobs will further establish the city as a leader for sustainable technological innovation and opportunity.”

“Yesterday, Mayor Adams made it clear that the health and growth of New York City’s future economy is a priority for the year ahead, and Business Improvement District leaders, like myself, are committed to seeing this through,” said Julie Stein, executive director, Union Square Partnership. “I look forward to working with City Hall to champion the important issues this year that will ultimately improve public safety, foster economic growth and improve our city’s livability for all New Yorkers.”

“New York City’s hospitals are essential to the health and well-being of our residents and neighborhoods and are strongly committed to helping Mayor Adams achieve his health care goals, including in the areas of maternal mortality, mental health, and the Healthy NYC initiative,” said Greater New York Hospital Association President Kenneth E. Raske. “We applaud the Mayor’s leadership on these critically important health care issues.”

“NYAM is encouraged by the Mayor’s agenda to prepare for inevitable impacts of climate change on New York. Preparing for and mitigating this impact is not only critical for city infrastructure, but also for our health, our communities, and our ability to recover from climate-induced stresses,” said Dr. Ann Kurth, President, The New York Academy of Medicine. “A resilient city is a healthier city. Thank you to Mayor Adams for making climate change resilience and its impact on health equity a priority, and a model for the nation.”

“RIP Medical Debt is proud to be partnering with the City of New York to bring medical debt relief to an estimated 500,000 residents,” said Allison Sesso president and CEO of RIP Medical Debt. “Medical debt not only creates financial hurdles for families, but substantial psychological barriers to seeking care. We look forward to working with community-minded health care providers across New York to get these debts of necessity erased.” 

“We applaud New York City Mayor Adams for embracing and actioning a ‘safety-first’ approach to social media use among teens and young adults as nationwide leaders in understanding the impact it has on their mental health,” said John MacPhee, CEO, The Jed Foundation (JED). “We do not have enough evidence yet to know if social media is sufficiently safe for our teens and young adults or how it fully impacts their well-being. But, what we do know is that the responsibility to ensure young people are entering safe spaces online is the charge of technology leaders, funders and policymakers. JED fully supports this administration in creating communities of care to protect emotional health and prevent suicide for young people throughout New York City, as well as championing youth rights and a well-being centered approach to the development, deployment, and use of social media platforms. JED is dedicated to supporting teens and young adults to create lives that are balanced and healthy on- and off-line and working with preK-12 school districts and colleges to help them educate and empower students to make social media work for—and not against—them.”

“I can’t go anywhere in the city without someone shouting out, ‘Hey Gridlock Sam what are you gonna do about all these e-bike and moped delivery guys?’” said Sam Schwartz, founder, Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC and former New York City Traffic Commissioner. “Creating a Department of Sustainable Delivery is a good first step toward addressing this and many other delivery issues; this is just the beginning of a long process, and I look forward to being involved.”

“RPA is pleased to see many of our priorities reflected in Mayor Adams’s State of the City speech,” said Tom Wright, president and CEO, Regional Plan Association. “Building new housing, restoring NYCHA, improving the public realm, and mapping out a plan to bring order to commercial deliveries – are all smart policies that will make the city more livable and affordable. We are committed to helping advance these and other City of Yes proposals throughout the coming year.”

“This administration is prioritizing public space like never before. Building off an exciting year for New York’s first-ever Public Realm Officer Ya-Ting Liu, Mayor Adams’ commitments to invest in enriching public space will keep New Yorkers safer, happier and healthier,” said Jackson Chabot, director of advocacy and organizing, Open Plans. “Investments to Kimlau Plaza will allow that space to be a community hub for generations to come. And sidewalks are public spaces, too! So we are enthusiastically following the new plans to containerize trash and utilize the curblane to get bags and bins off our sidewalks. Public space is where life happens for New Yorkers and these investments are critical for the future of our city.”

“Redesigning Kimlau Square shows vision and investment into our community – exactly what we need at this time,” said Raymond Tsang, president, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association. “Chinatown has been hit hard since the pandemic and continues to suffer from anti-Asian hate. The commitment from both the city and state will improve the future for Chinatown and Lower Manhattan.”  

“We are thrilled to announce this partnership with New York City that will bring the city’s skate infrastructure to a whole new level and give its iconic skate culture the respect and expanded space it deserves,” said Benjamin Anderson Bashein, executive director, The Skatepark Project. “True to our mission as an organization, these projects will serve the immediate needs of the community, celebrate the great legacy of skateboarding in New York, and will allow anyone within these communities who wants to learn to skate the opportunity to do so.” 

HANYC is delighted to invite you to a Roundtable Discussion of the trends most likely to impact New York City’s hotel industry in 2025 and beyond. There will be networking immediately following the Roundtable Discussion with wine, beer and light bites served.


Powered by Mastercard, this highly interactive discussion will feature unique views of:

  • Travel Recovery – How has the return to travel has been effected by the new post pandemic normal?
  • NYC Benchmarks – How is NYC incoming travel fairing in comparison to comparable destinations?
  • Tourist Spend – How (and where) do travelers spend in NYC?
  • Outlook — What should we expect for the coming months and year?
  • New trends shaping hospitality – How do consumers view amenities, technology and loyalty in the coming years?


Please RSVP through this link: