April 14, 2016
Rockland city councilors took the first step in regulating home-based short-term vacation rentals on Monday, April 11, after more than a year of debate. The new ordinance, effective May 11, will require homeowners who live on-site and want to rent a room or half of a duplex on a short-term basis from one night up to one month to get an annual permit from the city code office. Homeowners who want to offer a short-term rental of an entire house, and who do not live on-site, will need to go to the planning board for a one-time review before a permit is issued. The permit cost has not yet been decided, according to Rockland Code Enforcement Officer John Root…
Source: http://www.freepressonline.com/Content/Features/Features/Article/Rockland-Passes-Short-Term-Rental-Ordinance-Just-as-On-line-Rental-Sites-Start-to-Implode/52/78/44873